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Is any different consultation fee on Saturdays?

Yes, such as we are a private billing practice, consultation fees are higher on Saturdays.
Are there any fees for late cancellations or not turning up?

Yes, there is a $50 fee for failing to notify the clinic 24 hours before the appointment that you will be unable to attend. Please click here to see our Cancellation Policy
Why do we need skin checks?

Because Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, mainly due to excessive ultra-violet radiation through sun exposure and the generally lighter skin colouring of the Australian population. Two of three Australians will develop some form of skin cancer through their lifetimes.

Some skin cancers can be very dangerous, and can lead to death. Melanoma is one of the biggest killers of young people in Australia. Early detection and treatment of skin cancers is essential in reducing the harm that can be caused by skin cancer and can be life-saving.
Who needs skin checks?

Effectively all adult Australians should have at least annual skin checks, and high-risk groups, such as those with extensive sun exposure or past history and family history of skin cancer, should have more frequent skin checks.

Children with any suspicious or worrying skin lesions should also be checked.
How are skin checks performed in this clinic?

Highly trained and experienced skin cancer doctors will check your skin with the latest digital skin scanning instruments, such as a dermatoscope.
What will you do if any suspicious lesions are found?

Low-level suspicious lesions may be monitored by digital photography for follow- up review.

Highly suspicious lesions will be biopsied and sent for histopathology testing. A follow-up appointment will be made for explanation of results, and possible treatment options will be discussed. Appropriate treatment will be undertaken accordingly.
What treatment may be required?

Pre-cancerous lesions, such as solar keratosis, can be treated by cryotherapy (freezing), diathermy (heat treatment) or topical cream.

Confirmed skin cancer lesions will generally be surgically excised. The wound will be directly closed by stitching (suturing) in most cases, although sometimes skin flap or graft surgery may be required. Our clinic is very experienced in these surgical procedures, although more complex treatments will be referred to specialist centres or a hospital.