Book Appointment
08 9313 1187
About Us

Auspoint Skin Cancer & Health Clinic is an integrated skin cancer clinic that focuses on skin cancer detection, treatment, and monitoring. In addition it provides a holistic approach to skin health, in particular related to sun damage.

Our services include:
  • Full skin checks with the latest digital skin scanning technology (dermatoscopy) for skin cancer detection and monitoring. This assists the doctor in differentiating between benign conditions, such as moles, and malignant lesions.
  • Biopsy of suspicious lesions when necessary to diagnose possible skin cancers.
  • Surgical excision of confirmed skin cancers, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and keratoacanthoma.
  • Reparative surgery of excision wounds when required, using skin flaps and skin grafts.
  • Cryotherapy or diathermy of pre-cancerous lesions, such actinic keratosis, and benign growths such as seborrheic keratosis and warts.
  • Cosmetic removal of benign or troublesome conditions, such as moles, skin tags, cysts, lipomas, dermatofibromas.
  • Sun damage revision and repair using photo-dynamic therapy, chemical peels and products that improve skin health.
  • Laser treatment of unsightly conditions such as scars, vascular lesions, wrinkles, pigmentation, amongst many others.
  • Non-invasive treatment, such as topical treatment of superficial skin cancers and solar keratoses.
  • Follow-up advice and support service, and specialist referral when required.
  • Advice on sun damage and skin cancer prevention.

Auspoint Skin Cancer & Health Clinic is conveniently located at 417 Canning Highway in Como, and has ample free on-site rear parking, which is entered off Saunders Street. There are public bus stops outside the clinic, and it is close to the Canning Bridge train station. The telephone contact number is 08 93131187. On-line booking is also available through

The clinic is generally open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:00 pm and Saturdays 8:00am to 12:00 noon, although these times may be subject to change.

A standard consultation will cost $120 on weekdays and $130 on Saturdays, and is eligible for the standard Medicare rebate.

Holders of current Pension Cards or Health Care Cards will be billed at reduced rates on weekdays.

Veteran’s Affair Card holders will be bulk-billed to Veteran’s Affairs if eligible.

These fees and other costs, which could include surgery and other treatments, will be discussed at the time of booking and/or consultation with the doctor, and will refer to the Medical Benefits Schedule.

We accept cash, cheque, credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Bankcard) or EFTPOS.

No referral is needed to be attended in the clinic. However if your GP has provided a referral this should be brought to the consultation.